Can the technology hurt us?

Technology is one of the most famous words spoken in our present reality on the tongues of people. Technology is indeed a great discovery revealed by humans from this great vast universe.
It has markedly and unprecedentedly influenced the existence of the human species on Earth by technology:

  • We broke through distances and the whole world became familiar through the media.
  • We embarked on a huge and vast industrial wealth that enabled us to build a strong and solid foundation for civil engineering .
  • The level of awareness and culture of people increased more than it was.
  • The level of science, scientific research, invention, and innovation has become very large.

The pros are many of the technologies that affect our lives
However, after the progress achieved by humanity thanks to technology we are seeing the negative effects of technology on humanity and on the planet also so that at some times it is dangerous and even threatens the survival and safety of the human race
That is why we will show you the negative effects of technology on earth and on humanity as a whole, what is now and what is expected to happen
The negative effects of technology:

  • Making human society related to an increase in the need for materialism that makes it far from values ​​and ethics.
  • The use of military means of technology in destruction, destruction, and destruction has occurred in the two world wars.
  • The exploitation of technology in bullying and forcing and controlling the people.
  • Dissemination of causes of harm to physical, psychological and even spiritual health through pornography and the sale of drugs and the dissemination of negative ideas contrary to peace and the rational scientific openness of our brains.
  • Programming human minds on a particular pattern that makes the semi-machine moving on the ground.
  • Great impact on the imbalance of the environmental system and the global climate.
  • The emergence of epidemics and diseases of infectious and deadly.

Technology is already a great challenge, as we have pointed out in the title of this article on humanity and on the survival of the existence of the human race when we remain and continue to use the excessive and irrational technology of our daily lives.
So I advise you and advise ourselves to be cautious and take the prevention of the negative aspects of technology from small to large, it is indeed true.

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